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Solutions - Noise processing

caused noise and noise reduction measures

Noise pollution is mainly the formation of three factors, namely: the sound source, the media and the receive body. Only these three exist in order to interfere with the listener. In this three-pronged approach, by reducing the sound source, limit noise transmission, noise blocking and other means acceptable to the purpose to control noise, noise control in the specific technology, can be used to sound absorption, sound insulation and muffler three kinds of measures.


Noise control technology in noise reduction measures taken in the main there are three: sound absorption, sound insulation and muffler. When the sound waves incident on a surface, part of the sound energy absorbed by the object to be converted to other forms of energy, known as acoustic. Material absorption coefficient is larger, performance of that sound absorption materials is better. Sound insulation is to seal off the noise source, the noise control in a small space, sound waves encounter the barrier material, due to the characteristic impedance of the interface changes, part of the incident sound energy is reflected, part absorbed, material the penetration into the coefficient, the sound energy that penetrates the less, the better the sound insulation material. Muffler is fixed to the porous sound-absorbing material flow channel wall, or fixed in a certain way the pipeline in order to weaken the aerodynamic noise to achieve the purpose.

noise reduction materials recommended. Our products are usually use acoustic foam, sound absorption and sound insulation and noise reduction measures used to achieve noise reduction effect.

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